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Zika virus disease

The recent outbreak of Zika virus disease, which is known to be transmitted by infected Aedes species mosquitoes, has been associated with increased incidence of serious congenital neurological defects. Research efforts are focused on understanding the impact of the virus further, and at BMC Medicine we welcome submissions offering novel insights into the mechanisms of diseases caused by Zika virus infection. Submit directly to the journal or send your pre-submission queries to [email protected]

  1. Singapore is endemic for Dengue virus, with approximately 10,000 to 20,000 annual cases reported in recent years. In 2012, Chikungunya was introduced, although the numbers of cases reported is much fewer. The ...

    Authors: Dale Fisher and Jeffery Cutter
    Citation: BMC Medicine 2016 14:188
  2. Zika virus (ZIKV) is a mosquito-borne flavivirus that has newly emerged as a significant global threat, especially to pregnancy. Recent major outbreaks in the Pacific and in Central and South America have been...

    Authors: Phillipe Boeuf, Heidi E. Drummer, Jack S. Richards, Michelle J. L. Scoullar and James G. Beeson
    Citation: BMC Medicine 2016 14:112
  3. An increasing number of severe neurological complications associated with Zika virus (ZIKV), chiefly Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) and primary microcephaly, have led the World Health Organization to declare a ...

    Authors: Juan-Manuel Anaya, Carolina Ramirez-Santana, Ignacio Salgado-Castaneda, Christopher Chang, Aftab Ansari and M. Eric Gershwin
    Citation: BMC Medicine 2016 14:49