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Psychology: replication and beyond

Edited by Keith R Laws

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Psychology has been subject to criticism over claims of questionable research practices and has been historically plagued by the under-reporting of both replications and null findings. As a result the psychology literature has become distorted, skewed towards exciting results that are often not reproducible. Improving the links between reliability and believability in psychology is key to facilitate future scientific knowledge in which we can trust.

In recognition of this continued challenge BMC Psychology has launched a collection of articles which highlight the need to improve reproducibility in Psychology.

This collection of articles has not been sponsored and articles have undergone the journal’s standard peer-review process overseen by BMC Psychology Section Editor Keith R Laws, who declares no competing interests.

If you have any research you would like us to consider for inclusion in the series, please email us at [email protected]

  1. Modern psychology is apparently in crisis and the prevailing view is that this partly reflects an inability to replicate past findings. If a crisis does exists, then it is some kind of ‘chronic’ crisis, as psy...

    Authors: Keith R. Laws
    Citation: BMC Psychology 2016 4:30
  2. The testing effect is the finding that information that is retrieved during learning is more often correctly retrieved on a final test than information that is restudied. According to the semantic mediator hyp...

    Authors: Leonora C. Coppens, Peter P. J. L. Verkoeijen, Samantha Bouwmeester and Remy M. J. P. Rikers
    Citation: BMC Psychology 2016 4:25