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Plant-pollinator network: process and impact

  1. Butterflies make an important part for plant-pollinator guild. These are nectar feeder or occasionally pollen feeder and thus proboscis of the butterfly species are considered as one of the most important vari...

    Authors: Subha Shankar Mukherjee and Asif Hossain
    Citation: Journal of Ecology and Environment 2021 45:32
  2. Despite the consumption of bee brood in several parts of the world, particularly in the tropical areas, the practice has received comparatively little attention. We have reviewed all the available information ...

    Authors: Sampat Ghosh, Victor Benno Meyer-Rochow and Chuleui Jung
    Citation: Journal of Ecology and Environment 2021 45:31
  3. Ecosystem service mapping is an important tool for decision-making in landscape planning and natural resource management. Today, pollination service mapping is based on the Lonsdorf model (InVEST software) tha...

    Authors: Ehsan Rahimi, Shahindokht Barghjelveh, Pinliang Dong, Maghsoud Arshadi Pirlar and Mohammad Mehdi Jahanbakhshian
    Citation: Journal of Ecology and Environment 2021 45:27
  4. As trade increases, the influx of various alien species and their spread to new regions are prevalent, making them a general problem globally. Anthropogenic activities and climate change have led to alien spec...

    Authors: Minwoo Oh, Yoonjeong Heo, Eun Ju Lee and Hyohyemi Lee
    Citation: Journal of Ecology and Environment 2021 45:18

JEAR PNPIPollination is an important ecosystem process which contributes success of plant reproduction and increase of agricultural production as well. The special issue will bring about the importance of pollination as an ecosystem service to human civilization and well being as well as to agricultural production and wild life management. For this, we seeks the possible contribution to this special issues on various subjects relative to “Plant-pollinator network: Process and impact". We invite topics including; pollinator diversity and protection, utilization of pollinators for other purpose of human intervention, plant-pollinator networks and related factors determination, even pollination syndrome and mechanisms. Beyond the typical scopes on pollination, we also invite new technology for studying the plant-pollinator networks. 

Special guest editor: Chuleui Jung from Andong National University, Korea (([email protected])

Keywords: pollinator, protection, diversity, plant, reproduction, agriculture, technology, network

Deadline for submission: September 1 2021. We expect to publish whole special issue by December 1 2021. 

Please submit your article  via the journal's Editorial Manager submission site. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the Journal Editorial Office assistant through the "Contact Us" link in Editorial Manager.