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Ophthalmic Image Analysis

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Submissions are invited to a special collection in Biomedical Engineering Online  on Ophthalmic image analysis.

Eye diseases represent a global health challenge. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy (DR), and glaucoma are the main causes of blindness in both developed and developing countries. The cost of blindness to society and individuals is huge, and many conditions can be avoided by early detection and intervention. Early and reliable diagnosis strategies and effective treatments are therefore a world priority. Many devices have been developed and used to capture the image and/or video the eye from front (anterior part) to back (posterior part), which generates large number of multi-modal images. Automatic and semi-automatic software tools for ophthalmic image analysis are being used widely in retinal biomarker research, and increasingly percolating into clinical practice. Significant challenges remain in terms of reliability and validation, number and type of conditions considered, multimodal analysis, novel imaging technologies, and the effective transfer of advanced computer vision and machine learning technologies.

This collection focuses on novel imaging analysis techniques in ophthalmology, which include but are not limited to:

  • Computer-aided detection and diagnosis of disease  
  • Image analysis of novel ophthalmic imaging modalities 
  • Retinal biomarkers for systemic conditions 
  • Multimodal ophthalmic image analysis 
  • Combined analysis of images of the eye and other organs 
  • Ophthalmic image atlases 
  • Registration of ophthalmic images, including multimodal 
  • Segmentation of structures (e.g., vasculature, lesions, landmarks) 
  • Clinical validation 
  • New public datasets

How to submit

Submissions of original Research, Review and Software articles should be submitted via the online submission system following the journal’s submission guidelines. Full details of the journal aims and scope can be found here. To be considered for inclusion in the collection, please select the option during submission to “submit to a thematic series” and then choose the collection title from the drop-down list.

All submissions will be subject to the journal’s standard peer review process and articles not considered appropriate for inclusion in the collection may still be considered for the main journal.

Submission deadline: 14 December 2021

Guest Editors:

Yanwu Xu, Baidu Inc, China; Singapore Eye Research Institute, Singapore [email protected]

Xiulan Zhang Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology, Sun Yat-sen University, China [email protected]

Huiying Liu, Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR, Singapore [email protected]

Yalin Zheng, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom. [email protected]

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