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Call for Papers: Dietary consultation and nutritional assessment and management in older adults with Chronic Kidney Disease

Guest Editor Akihiko Kato, MD

Nutrition Journal invites you to submit to a collection focused on dietary consultation and nutritional assessment and management in older adults with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).

The global prevalence of CKD is on the rise, increasing the need for dietary consultation and nutritional assessment, and the provision of appropriate nutritional support. Appropriate care and management are particularly important in the elderly to reduce potential complications and comorbidities. We invite research and reviews reporting on the examination of dietary intake (e.g., sodium and potassium intake) to prevent the onset and delay the progression of CKD, and the assessment and management of nutrition-related outcomes, such as frailty, sarcopenia, and metabolic acidosis in older adults.  The series is also aimed at identifying gaps in the evidence, such as developing consensus on criteria for protein-energy wasting and definitions for sarcopenia and frailty in patients with CKD.

Submissions will undergo peer review as per any other paper submitted to Nutrition Journal. Manuscripts should be formatted according to the Journal’s submission guidelines and submitted via the online submission system. When submitting, please choose the collection title (Dietary consultation and nutritional assessment and management in older adults with Chronic Kidney Disease) from the additional information tab. Please also indicate in the cover letter that the manuscript is to be considered for this collection.

For further details or to submit an abstract for pre-review for suitability for the collection, please contact the Journal editorial staff via email ([email protected]).

Deadline for submissions: TBC

  1. The intake of protein and antioxidants has been inversely associated with frailty, individually. However, to our knowledge, no study has evaluated these associations in considering antioxidants or protein inta...

    Authors: Satomi Kobayashi, Hitomi Suga and Satoshi Sasaki
    Citation: Nutrition Journal 2017 16:29