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Musculoskeletal Aging

Age-related decline in the function of musculoskeletal tissues is a major contributor to both poor quality of life and loss of independence in a significant number of older individuals. This Musculoskeletal Aging thematic series brings together expertise in different tissues within the musculoskeletal system, with the aim of increasing our understanding of the aging processes of the whole system, and how these processes may be ameliorated or prevented. Unsolicited contributions are encouraged. Submit your manuscript via the online submission system or send a pre-submission enquiry to [email protected]. Read the accompanying blog post here.

Prof Janet Lord, Aphrodite Vasilaki

  1. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disorder in the world and represents the leading cause of pain and disability in the elderly population. Advancing age remains the single greatest risk factor for O...

    Authors: Daniel P Tonge, Ronald G Bardsley, Tim Parr, Rose A Maciewicz and Simon W Jones
    Citation: Longevity & Healthspan 2013 2:15
  2. Life expectancy at birth in the first world has increased from 35 years at the beginning of the 20th century to more than 80 years now. The increase in life expectancy has resulted in an increase in age-relate...

    Authors: Rebeca Garcia-Valles, Mari Carmen Gomez-Cabrera, Leocadio Rodriguez-Mañas, Francisco J Garcia-Garcia, Ana Diaz, Inma Noguera, Gloria Olaso-Gonzalez and Jose Viña
    Citation: Longevity & Healthspan 2013 2:14
  3. Aging-related loss of muscle mass, a biological process named sarcopenia, contributes to mobility impairment, falls, and physical frailty, resulting in an impaired quality of life in older people. In view of t...

    Authors: Gilles Gouspillou, Martin Picard, Richard Godin, Yan Burelle and Russell T Hepple
    Citation: Longevity & Healthspan 2013 2:13
  4. The aim of the present study was to determine the influence of age and habitual activity level, at rest and following a single bout of high-intensity exercise, on the levels of three proteins poly(ADP-ribose) ...

    Authors: James N Cobley, George K Sakellariou, Scott Murray, Sarah Waldron, Warren Gregson, Jatin G Burniston, James P Morton, Lesley A Iwanejko and Graeme L Close
    Citation: Longevity & Healthspan 2013 2:11