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Forecasting and managing multi-risks in the Mediterranean, temperate and boreal forests

Guest Editors : Pauline DEFOSSEZ, Philippe DEUFFIC, Eric RIGOLOT (INRAE, France) Kaysandra WALDRON (NRC-Canadian Forest Service, Canada)

Editor : Cécile ROBIN (INRAE)


 Risks in forest science deal with a large range of disturbances (drought, fire, pest, insects, wind storms, avalanche…). Although most of approaches tackle mono-risks, the effects of multiple disturbances on the forest ecosystem amplify damage. Nowadays, as a consequence of global change, many hazards in forests (extreme fire events, storms, diseases) are increasing and their combination addresses new challenges for risk management. Interdisciplinary approaches are necessary to analyse multi-risks in forests and overcome the numerous scientific, technical and social obstacles opposed to such approaches. Innovative systems call for new composite indicators and for emergency devices able to discriminate low noise/weak signal risks from high-signal risks. The social dimension and how individuals and structures switch from vigilance to warning state without reaching gloom must also be considered.

Invitation to contribute

 Several types of papers are welcome:

  1. Review papers (focusing for example on how ecological and forest dynamics models can take into account multiple disturbances, on the interaction between disturbances (interacting risks, cascading risks, etc.), or on concepts and the used methodologies to develop multi-risks analysis, or on comparison between North American and European approaches)
  2. Research papers dealing with specific aspects of multi-risks issues in forests
  3. Opinion papers providing new insights about open research paths that would deserve further attention
  4. Data papers providing access to original data sets dealing with this topic Annals of Forest Science Multidisciplinary research for forests and wood in a changing world. 

In particular, we encourage authors who gave a keynote in the frame of the CRP conference (Bordeaux, July 2022) to submit a manuscript related to their talk. However, this topical issue also welcomes contributions not associated with this symposium as long as it fits the scope mentioned above.


The submission are open and close by the end of December 2023. Note that Annals of Forest Science is published under a continuous publication scheme (papers are published as soon as they have been accepted).


Annals of Forest Science is published under a full Open Access model with Article Processing Charges (1750 €).
A few selected papers of particular interest to a broader audience may apply for some funds available to cover the APCs.
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