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Global Health Education in China

Guest edited by Dr.Yuantao HAO1,2,3 ([email protected], [email protected]), Dr.Dong XU1,2,4 ([email protected]), Dr.Jing GU1,2 ([email protected]), Dr.Chun HAO1,2,([email protected]), Dr.Brian J. Hall5([email protected])

1 School of Public Health, Sun Yat-sen University
2 Sun Yat-sen Global Health Institute, Institute of State Governance, Sun Yat-sen University
3 Center for Public Health and Epidemic Preparedness & Response, Peking University
4 Southern Medical University Institute for Global Health, Southern Medical University
5 Center for Global Health Equity, New York University Shanghai

Call for Papers

The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic is a critical reminder that all countries are interconnected. We share wealth and woe. Now more than ever, countries need to enact and uphold a collective vision of building an inclusive and equitable global partnership in health. China actively participates in, and contributes to, global health leadership and governance as a responsible member of the international community. The dynamic context of the global pandemic has signaled a need for an increase in qualified global health professionals from China.

To help our country align its global health education and workforce to the fulfillment of its duty in global health governance, the Chinese Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CCUGH) 2021 annual conference was organized in a virtual format by Sun Yat-sen University on December 11, 2021 (The news: 2021 CCUGH Virtual Annual Conference: Global Health Education Development in the New Era). Throughout the entire conference, there was a strong call for more global health education actions. Therefore, CCUGH is working with the Journal Global Health Research and Policy to invite papers for the following themed articles:

  1. Summary report on the Chinese Consortium of University for Global Health (CCUGH) Conference
  2. Report on global health education in China's universities
  3. Report of global health professionals in China based on the education and training demand of international organizations
  4. Case examples for global health in undergraduate/graduate degree education
  5. Case examples for global health courses and training development targeting different audiences
  6. Case examples of how international organizations can support China’s capacity building in global health education and training
  7. Explorations on China's practices in international/global health partnerships and how it can support capacity building in global health education and training.

Deadline of submission: June 30, 2022.

For more enquiry, please contact Dr. Chun HAO. E-mail: [email protected].

This series was published in Global Health Research and Policy.

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