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Engineering robotic surgery

Guest Editors: Alan Lefor, David Fitch, Hiroshi Kawahira

BMC Biomedical Engineering invites you to submit to our new thematic series: Engineering robotic surgery

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Significant technological advancements in recent years have strengthened the field of robotic surgery, which is now performed throughout the world. This technology has been built on a foundation of laparoscopic surgery with the hope to accelerate benefits not only to patients, but also to healthcare professionals and clinics.

Despite the considerable investment from academia and industry and the astounding technological leaps in recent years, there are several issues that have become evident as the use of this technology has expanded, that include its further development and use in the clinic but also the surrounding environment involved in human surgery.

The goal of this issue is to provide a roadmap for the present and future of robotic surgery, including the physical design and development of robotic systems, the underlying control mechanisms, visualisation (augmented, VR, image guided, etc.), human-robot interaction, automation/autonomy and the application into the clinic. Although this issue focuses on surgical robotics, it will also consider topics on that dwell on the environment surrounding robotic surgery, including ergonomics, surgical workflows, informatics, training, safety, rehabilitation, novel instrument design and other technologies that enhance surgical performance.

Studies that document the clinical applications of robotic surgery, the current limitations of the technology at all levels, short/long-term clinical outcomes and areas for improvement to obtain superior clinical results are welcome. How can biomedical engineers collaborate with surgeons to reach the next level?

Of particular interest for this special issue are studies that progress the current state-of-the-art of this technology, including but not limited to novel approaches in AI/machine learning, deep learning, optimal control of human motion, robotic techniques for animation, neurological and bioinspired methods, as well as new approaches that achieve accelerated rehabilitation.

We are seeking submissions of original research articles, but also methodology, software and database articles. This collection in BMC Biomedical Engineering will also include invited reviews.

We would welcome direct submission of any original research you would like to be considered. Please submit directly to BMC Biomedical Engineering stating in your cover letter that you are targeting the ‘Engineering robotic surgery’ collection. Alternatively you can email your pre-submission queries to [email protected]

  1. In this paper, we focus on robots used for laparoscopic surgery, which is one of the most active areas for research and development of surgical robots. We introduce research and development of laparoscope-hold...

    Authors: Kenji Kawashima, Takahiro Kanno and Kotaro Tadano
    Citation: BMC Biomedical Engineering 2019 1:12