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Prof. Donald Sparks: “Frontiers and Advances in Environmental Soil Chemistry”

In 2015, Dr. Donald L. Sparks, Professor of Plant and Soil Science, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Delaware, received the American Chemical Society’s Geochemistry Division Medal for his highly influential and transformative work in geochemistry, environmental chemistry, and soil chemistry; his outstanding record as an educator and mentor; and his service to the geochemical community. To celebrate and honor Prof. Sparks’ life-long research interests and achievements, researchers who share this scientific sphere with Prof. Sparks were invited to submit papers for an article collection in Geochemical Transactions. This collection highlights important challenges in environmental geochemistry and soil chemistry and will introduce current advances in these areas.

The Guest Editors’ aim was to bring together a series of research articles exemplifying recent developments in state-of-the-art experimental and numerical approaches toward understanding mineral-water interfaces. We see this is an excellent opportunity, both to honor Prof. Sparks’ enduring accomplishments in Environmental Geochemistry and Soil Chemistry and to share new developments in the field.


Guest Editors: Young-Shin Jun (Washington University in St. Louis, [email protected]), Mengqiang Zhu (University of Wyoming, [email protected]), and Derek Peak (University of Saskatchewan, [email protected])

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This is an exciting time to be a researcher in the area of soil and environmental geochemistry. The major issues that we face globally, such as climate change, soil and water contamination, energy conservation, land degradation, air quality, and environmental sustainability all provide rich opportunities for advancing scientific frontiers. The advances in analytical techniques that enable one to explore reactivity and processes on natural materials over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, as well as powerful modeling and data analytics tools, provide unique opportunities to address and provide solutions to the environmental challenges we face.  I would be deeply honored and grateful to have you contribute to this special issue."

Prof. Donald Sparks

  1. Iron(III)-precipitates formed by the oxidation of dissolved Fe(II) are important sorbents for major and trace elements in aquatic and terrestrial systems. Their reductive dissolution in turn may result in the ...

    Authors: Andreas Voegelin, Anna-Caterina Senn, Ralf Kaegi and Stephan J. Hug
    Citation: Geochemical Transactions 2019 20:2
  2. Mineralogical studies of contaminated soils affected by smelter emission and dust from mining activities indicate that minerals of the spinel group are one of the common hosts of metal-bearing contaminants. Sp...

    Authors: Michael Schindler, Haley Mantha and Michael F. Hochella Jr.
    Citation: Geochemical Transactions 2019 20:1
  3. Serpentine soils and ultramafic laterites develop over ultramafic bedrock and are important geological materials from environmental, geochemical, and industrial standpoints. They have naturally elevated concen...

    Authors: Matthew G. Siebecker, Rufus L. Chaney and Donald L. Sparks
    Citation: Geochemical Transactions 2018 19:14
  4. Recently, the wide application of CuO nanoparticles (NPs) in engineering field inevitably leads to its release into various geologic settings, which has aroused great concern about the geochemical behaviors of...

    Authors: Lingqun Zeng, Biao Wan, Rixiang Huang, Yupeng Yan, Xiaoming Wang, Wenfeng Tan, Fan Liu and Xionghan Feng
    Citation: Geochemical Transactions 2018 19:12
  5. Phosphorus (P) can limit crop production in many soils, and soil testing is used to guide fertilizer recommendations. The Mehlich III (M3) soil test is widely used in North America, followed by colorimetric an...

    Authors: Barbara J. Cade-Menun, Kyle R. Elkin, Corey W. Liu, Ray B. Bryant, Peter J. A. Kleinman and Philip A. Moore Jr.
    Citation: Geochemical Transactions 2018 19:7
  6. Minerals constitute a primary ecosystem control on organic C decomposition in soils, and therefore on greenhouse gas fluxes to the atmosphere. Secondary minerals, in particular, Fe and Al (oxyhydr)oxides—colle...

    Authors: Jason W. Stuckey, Christopher Goodwin, Jian Wang, Louis A. Kaplan, Prian Vidal-Esquivel, Thomas P. Beebe Jr. and Donald L. Sparks
    Citation: Geochemical Transactions 2018 19:6
  7. The coexistence of Cd2+ and Zn2+ ions in nature has a significant influence on their environmental behaviors in soils and bioavailability for plants. While many studies have been done on the mutual toxicity of Cd

    Authors: Tingting Fan, Chengbao Li, Juan Gao, Dongmei Zhou, Marcelo Eduardo Alves and Yujun Wang
    Citation: Geochemical Transactions 2018 19:5
  8. We studied the effects of humic substances (HS) on the sorption of Fe(II) onto Al-oxide and clay sorbents at pH 7.5 with a combination of batch kinetic experiments and synchrotron Fe K-edge EXAFS analyses. Fe(II)...

    Authors: Ying Zhu, Jingjing Liu, Omanjana Goswami, Ashaki A. Rouff and Evert J. Elzinga
    Citation: Geochemical Transactions 2018 19:3
  9. Adsorption and precipitation reactions often dictate the availability of phosphorus in soil environments. Tripolyphosphate (TPP) is considered a form of slow release P fertilizer in P limited soils, however, i...

    Authors: Jordan G. Hamilton, Jay Grosskleg, David Hilger, Kris Bradshaw, Trevor Carlson, Steven D. Siciliano and Derek Peak
    Citation: Geochemical Transactions 2018 19:1
  10. Iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) are the two most common redox-active elements in the Earth’s crust and are well known to influence mineral formation and dissolution, trace metal sequestration, and contaminant tra...

    Authors: Michael V. Schaefer, Robert M. Handler and Michelle M. Scherer
    Citation: Geochemical Transactions 2017 18:7
  11. Humic substances (HS) are redox-active compounds that are ubiquitous in the environment and can serve as electron shuttles during microbial Fe(III) reduction thus reducing a variety of Fe(III) minerals. Howeve...

    Authors: Anneli Sundman, James M. Byrne, Iris Bauer, Nicolas Menguy and Andreas Kappler
    Citation: Geochemical Transactions 2017 18:6