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Defaunation, functional extinctions and socio-ecological consequences

Call for papers

New Content ItemBMC Zoology is pleased to launch this collection in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Life on Land (SDG15), which aims to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, manage the sustainability of forests and combat desertification, land degradation and biodiversity loss.

The creation of ecological imbalance caused by rapid human expansion and infrastructure development has had a severe impact on global biodiversity. Wildlife has plummeted in the Anthropocene primarily due to deforestation and trade, which ultimately threatens the integrity of life as we know it. This massive shift in our global ecosystem creates dysfunctional ecological niches that brings negative changes and impacts both animal and human health, possibly leading to a catastrophic anthropomorphic-driven collapse.

Ecological reNew Content Itemsilience and response of wildlife to evolutionary adaptation is influenced by past, present and future environmental and demographic change but this has been rapidly overtaken through the need to extract energy, and to clothe and feed humans. To reduce the expansion of humans, modern agriculture and, mega infrastructure development we need solutions that require a multifaceted approach through the integration of science (both modern and indigenous) with appropriate policy development and support. We also need long-term ecological data and knowledge sharing without limits or boundaries.

We invite researchers especially those working diverse rich diverse habitats on continents, islands and unique landscapes, including rare, endangered and iconic wildlife species, as well those working on invasive species to contribute. The aim of this special issue is to generate hard-hitting objective discussion on the present and future state of the Earth in the Anthropocene where human actions have paved way to the likely or already occurring defaunation, functional extinction and social-ecological consequences. Review papers, primary research papers and research that provide a Covid-19 and global pandemic dimension added to this topic are also welcome.

Please email Alison Cuff, the inhouse editor for BMC Zoology, ([email protected]) if you would like more information before you submit. The deadline for submissions is December 31st 2021.

To submit an article for consideration, please click here.

Meet the Guest Editors

Dr. Edward Narayan

Edward Narayan © Edward Narayan

Dr. Edward Narayan graduated with Ph.D. degree in Biology from the University of the South Pacific and pioneered non-invasive reproductive and stress endocrinology tools for amphibians - the novel development and validation of non-invasive enzyme immunoassays for the evaluation of reproductive hormonal cycle and stress hormone responses to environmental stressors. Dr. Narayan leads the Stress Lab (Comparative Physiology and Endocrinology) at the University of Queensland. A dynamic career research platform which is based on the thematic areas of comparative vertebrate physiology, stress endocrinology, reproductive endocrinology, animal health and welfare, and conservation biology. Edward has supervised over 40 research project students and published over 80 peer reviewed research works.  

Dr. Fernando Ribeiro Gomes

Dr. Fernando Ribeiro Gomes © Dr. Fernando Ribeiro GomesDr. Fernando Ribeiro Gomes graduated with Ph.D in Sciences (General Physiology) from the University of São Paulo (2002). He is currently associate professor in the Department of Physiology of the Institute of Biosciences of the University of São Paulo (Brazil). His research group conducts studies on animal behavior and physiology, mostly focused on immunoendocrinology of amphibians and other vertebrates under natural conditions and under the influence of acute and chronic stressors (extreme temperatures, dehydration, environmental changes of anthropic origin, among others). Fernando has supervised over 30 research project students and published over 65 peer reviewed research works.

Professor Craig Morley

Craig Morley © Craig Morley

Professor Craig Morley obtained PhD from University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ and is an Associate Professor at the Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, Rotorua.  He has worked for the University South Pacific in Fiji, as a conservation biologist and at the Department of Conservation as a Biodiversity/Threats programme manager in Northland. With his students in Fiji, he won the BP Gold conservation award for his work on protecting Fiji’s endangered ground frog. He has been the President for the Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) Oceania Section and was also on the SCB Board of Governors. He is a member of the IUCN Invasive Species Specialist Group and World Commission for Protected Areas. The majority of his research career has been dedicated to understanding the impact of invasive species, particularly on islands and in agricultural systems. His latest research is on using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as a pest control tool. He firmly believes in conservation-based evidence to promote and enhance biodiversity, sustainability and good community practice.

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    Citation: BMC Zoology 2022 7:12